It finally feels like summer is in full swing—hope you all made the most of it this weekend.

Here’s what I’m reading
A 10-Year-Old Just Climbed the Nose: She's the youngest person in history to climb the iconic 3,000-foot route. [Chris Van Leuven for Outside]
N.I.H. Head Calls for End to All-Male Panels of Scientists: Francis Collins pledged to decline to speak at conferences that do not include enough women in prominent speaking roles. [Pam Belluck for The New York Times]
Runner Gabe Grunewald Dies at 32: An inspiration for many, Grunewald showed that it was okay to struggle. [Martin Fritz Huber for Outside]
Allie Ostrander on NCAA commentators: “I was disappointed with the commentary that has occurred during my races for the past two years. Both times, the comments have brought attention to my appearance more than my ability. In 2018, I was called ‘the baby faced assassin’ and told that I looked like I still played with barbies. This year, the commentators found it necessary to state (incorrectly I might add) my height and weight multiple times. Not only were these comments objectifying and unnecessary, they drew attention away from the real focus of the event.” [On Instagram]
Hey, Bike Shops: Stop Treating Customers Like Garbage: If local shops want to survive, it’s time to lose the attitude. [Gloria Liu for Bicycling]

The contemporary adventure canon
What does it mean to be a well-read outdoorsperson in 2019? We have 54 new ideas. Yes, we still love Cheryl Strayed and John McPhee, but here's an updated class of noteworthy additions, by Shawnté Salabert.
Outside has crowned hundreds of books as essential reading in canons past. Now it’s time to add to that library, making space for recent releases and those that have long been overlooked, including by us. In this modern iteration of the best-loved books of the outdoors, we focused on works that have either been released in the last decade or that we’ve neglected to canonize before. Our picks examine urgent topics like climate change and environmental racism; reconsider long-held beliefs about the nature of adventure; and highlight an array of powerful, singular voices that have always belonged in the discourse.